Mahi Toi
A changing exhibition of artworks from the Fletcher Trust Collection at the headquarters of Fletcher Building
Developed in collaboration with Fletcher Building’s Whakatupu Leadership Development Programme and the Rōpū Mahi Toi
Mahi Toi was generated and formed within the Whakatupu Leadership Development Programme at Fletcher Building. Often, Māori meeting houses include carvings and displays of portraits that show the whakapapa of iwi and hapū, carrying stories that represent and bind the people together. Thinking of our Māori culture, whānau and tūpuna, our project vision has been to use artworks as a means of connecting employees across the Fletcher Building campus at Penrose.
Initially, the Rōpū Mahi Toi worked with Peter Shaw to develop a presentation in conjunction with Matariki 2019. Since the appointment of Francis McWhannell as curator of the Fletcher Trust Collection, the vision for Mahi Toi has expanded. From 2021, the programme will include recent acquisitions and temporary displays in response to significant events in the calendar, in addition to key taonga from the collection. There will always be a strong emphasis on works that embody or make reference to aspects of te ao Māori, with due prominence given to work by ringatoi Māori.
Whakatupu Leadership
Development Programme
Val Pānui, projects coordinator
Rōpū Mahi Toi
Annaliese Davies
Kim Hancy
Eleva Roberts
John Swift
Fletcher Trust Collection
Francis McWhannell, curator
Angus Fletcher, chairman