ANGAS, George French;
Ngātata, Chief of Kumutoto and Father of Wī Tako
1844, 325 x 230mm, Watercolour on paper
ANGAS, George French;
E Rangi and E Tohi, Girls of Port Nicholson, with Kiko, an Old Woman of Tiakiwai
c.1844, 190 x 230mm, Watercolour on paper
CONNOR, Fiona;
Community Notice Board (Celeste Coin Laundry)
2023, 720 x 1000 x 105mm, Custom cork board, silkscreen and UV print on aluminium, vinyl, staples, tape, pins, acrylic case
DE SAINSON, Louis Auguste;
Natai, One of the Chiefs of Bream Bay
1833, 471 x 339mm, Lithograph on paper