Sketch of Dusky Bay in New Zealand
Engraving on paper
200 x 380mm

Plate No. XIII from James Cook, A Voyage Towards the South Pole, and Round the World (London: W. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1777), vol. 1, facing p. 92.
The following text comes from the catalogue for the exhibition Tirohanga Whānui.
Lieutenant Pickersgill described the anchorage he had found in terms that convey his happiness at being back on land after a long sea voyage: ‘One of the most inchanting little Harbours I ever saw … surrounded with high Lands intirely cover’d with tall shady trees rising like an amphitheatre; and with the sweet swelling Notes of a number of Birds made the finest Harmony.’ So the Resolution was manoeuvred into what has been known ever since as Pickersgill Harbour.
Cook and his men explored Dusky Sound until 11 May 1773 when they left in their thoroughly cleaned and re-rigged ship. Some of their other activities are recorded in the names of various locations: Luncheon Cove, Sportsman’s Cove, Sunday Cove, Detention Cove. Near Apparent Island appears a presumably unexplored area which bears the name ‘No body knows what’.
Exhibition History
Tirohanga Whānui: Views from the Past, Te Kōngahu Museum of Waitangi, 15 April to 15 September 2017