WHITE, Robin; FIFITA, Ebonie;
I think of what will yet be seen
2023, 1720 x 1510mm, Earth pigments on masi
The Town of New Plymouth in the Year 1843
1845, 240 x 1440mm, Hand-coloured lithograph on paper
WORSLEY, Charles Nathaniel;
Wellington Wharves and Harbour
c.1910, 250 x 450mm, Watercolour on paper
WRIGHT, Walter;
Paddle Tug Lyttelton, Kauri Timber Company Wharf, Freemans Bay
c.1935, 210 x 330mm, Watercolour on paper
YEARBURY, Pauline Kahurangi; YEARBURY, James;
c.1970, 595 x 305mm, Incised and stained wood