BROWN, Gordon Harold;
A Diagonally Squared Preposition (Twin-Line Series 12)
1965, 515 x 470mm, Ink and watercolour on paper

H., M. A.;
A Drawing of the Head of Bola, a New Zealand Chief
1829, 135 x 100mm, Watercolour on paper

HIGHT, Michael;
Rangiriri (triptych)
1996, 1500 x 2700mm, Blackboard paint, oil, resin, found canvas and cloth on board

HINDIN, Nikau;
Te Haki o Kapu Nā Keiki (The Flag for Our Sacred Children)
2020, 1020 x 660mm, Acrylic, kōkōwai, natural dyes, and shellac on aute and sailcloth