Untitled (Stroke)
Acrylic on 12 panels
260 x 260mm (each piece); 3120 x 260mm (overall)

Untitled (Stroke) was included in Parallel Lines: Gordon Walters in Context (1994), a large-scale exhibition that included a space devoted to work by younger artists influenced by the senior abstract painter. It closely resembles another titled Strum, which might give a helpful musical association to what is a wholly abstract painting.
The work shows the interest in structure and tension that characterises Judy Millar’s painting of the 1990s. The artist is concerned with beauty of surface and the boundary between the meaningful and the meaningless. Her pictures grow, she writes, ‘from their making, and have their own set of rules. Making from my point or motif, I attempt to find content.’
Fletcher Trust Collection, purchased December 1994