Resting Limbs (from Another Archaeology)
Bronze, copper and gold leaf
3000 x 3000 x 3000mm

Resting Limbs (from Another Archaeology) was originally commissioned for the foyer of Fletcher Challenge House, but it is today on long-term loan to the Eastern Southland Gallery in Gore. The work is an extension of a theme that Andrew Drummond developed over two years—objects and forms from a non-existent, imaginary, ancient archaeology. The physical environment for the work was a significant determiner of its final form, suggesting to the artist a museum-like space, showcase, or glass cabinet, which would display the ‘ancient’ forms of his sculpture.
The title was chosen only as a result of viewing the completed pieces and was not previously planned. The sculpture is a mixture of tree-trunk-like forms and human-made sections. As with other works by Drummond, it alludes to processes involved in chopping down trees—drilling, splitting logs, and inserting spikes into trunks to facilitate climbing. All these are an invasion of natural forms. To contrast these aggressive associations, Drummond has included symbols of repose: an Egyptian head rest, a large screw which acts as a cradle for a bent log.
The tension between stress and repose is perhaps the most potent aspect of this poetic work.
This work has also been called Stationary Limbs.
Jennifer Hay et al., Andrew Drummond: Observation/Action/Reflection (Ōtautahi: Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, 2010), 178.