WELCH, Nugent;
Land Breeze
Oil on canvas
395 x 500mm

Nugent Welch preferred to paint in the open air, directly from nature. He was interested in the movement of clouds over a landscape, sometimes producing brooding atmospheric works which did not find as ready a public as his sunnier paintings did. His watercolours were always less adventurous than his oils probably because he tended to rely on tried and tested conventional formulas when painting them.
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N. Welch [l.l.] Land Breeze / £21-0-0 [label verso]Provenance
Challenge Collection (later Fletcher Trust Collection), purchased via John Leech Gallery, Tāmaki Makaurau, from the estate of F. Campbell Sprott QC, Te Whanganui-a-Tara, June 1985
Collection and estate of F. Campbell Sprott QC, Te Whanganui-a-Tara