Kia Tau, Ake Tonu
Oil and earth pigments on canvas
985 x 1185mm (image); 1150 x 1350mm (frame)

This poetic painting shows Star Gossage and her daughter at their home in Pākiri, which lies within the rohe of one of their iwi, Ngātiwai. The title, Kia Tau, Ake Tonu, can be translated as ‘forever calm’ or ‘let there be calm, forever’. It underscores the sense of serenity and security evoked by the work, in which the whenua wraps the figures like a cloak.
Gossage has used earth pigments in this painting, quite literally incorporating the land into its fabric. The kete at left can be read as a symbol of the interweaving of people, place, and culture. The vessel is shown empty, perhaps ready to be filled with all the good things that the earth brings to those who respect and tend her.
TITLE "KIA TAU, AKE TONU" / OILS, EARTH PIGMENT, ON CANVAS / Star Gossage 2013 [verso]Exhibition History
Gathered Voices: Highlights from the Fletcher Trust Collection, New Zealand Portrait Gallery Te Pūkenga Whakaata, Te Whanganui-a-Tara, 15 September to 11 December 2022 (toured)
Mau Āhua – Portraits by Contemporary Māori Artists, New Zealand Portrait Gallery Te Pūkenga Whakaata, Te Whanganui-a-Tara, 4 November 2016 to 14 February 2017
Fletcher Trust Collection, purchased from International Art Centre, Tāmaki Makaurau, 17 November 2020, lot 26
Private collection, Te Whanganui-a-Tara, purchased from Page Blackie Gallery, Te Whanganui-a-Tara, 2014