BAMBURY, Stephen;
‘And also its constant equilibrium’ (Chakra No. IV)
Graphite and oxidised copper leaf on 7 aluminium panels
2765 x 500mm

Lita Barrie has written that it is in the materiality of his works that Bambury betrays himself as a modernist at heart. The physical presence of his works is mainly due to his deliberate choice of sensuous materials combined with seductive crafting methods. He uses chemical action and torching relying on heat and fire or on burnishing to create subtle textures, many of which have alchemical associations. Chakra No. IV is solemn, unlike the exuberant No. V, which uses rich effects of gold and copper. Here instead, the copper plays off burnished graphite giving an altogether cooler effect. The ladder structure refers either to the Russian Suprematist artist Malevich’s crosses or to the chakras in a Tantric diagram. The work rises up the wall creating a monumental impression. Despite this, its surface is extremely fragile and it is best displayed behind a perspex screen to avoid scratching.
Fletcher Trust Collection, purchased October 1992